Health and Safety Policy

  1. We are committed to ensuring the health and safety of our Staff and students and to providing a safe environment for all those attending our premises through regular assessments of risks in the work and study place.
  2. In particular, we are committed to maintaining safe and healthy working and studying conditions through the control of the health and safety risks arising from our activities, and equipment; ensuring the safe handling and use of substances; consulting with our Staff and providing appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision; and taking steps to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health.

What is covered by this Policy

  1. In accordance with our health and safety duties, we are responsible for:
    1. Assessing risks to health and safety and identifying ways to overcome them.
    2. Providing and maintaining a healthy and safe place to work and study and a safe means of entering and leaving our premises, including emergency procedures for use when needed.
    3. Providing information, instruction, training and supervision in safe working methods and procedures as well as working areas and equipment that are safe and without risks to health.
    4. Ensuring that equipment has all necessary safety devices installed and that equipment is properly maintained.
    5. Promoting cooperation between Members of Staff to ensure safe and healthy conditions and systems of work by discussion and effective joint consultation.
    6. Regularly monitoring and reviewing the management of health and safety, and thereafter making any necessary changes and bringing those to the attention of all Staff and students, as appropriate.

Personnel responsible for the implementation of this Policy

  1. The Directors have overall responsibility for health and safety and the operation of this policy. The Directors are responsible for:
    1. The implementation of this policy statement and keeping it under review;
    2. Ensuring safety inspections are carried out;
    3. Ensuring that legal requirements are met, for example notifying any accidents reportable under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013); and
    4. Ensuring that any necessary health and safety risk assessments are undertaken regularly, and any recommendations are recorded and implemented.
    5. The Directors may delegate the delivery of these responsibilities but retain ownership.
  2. All Members of Staff have a duty to look after their own and others’ health and safety. In addition, all Staff have a duty under common law to take care of students in the same way that a prudent parent would.
  3. As such it is the responsibility of Members of Staff (teaching and non-teaching), to ensure that the relevant Programme Manager is informed of any hazards present at CAMSIS Education. In practice, this means ‘if you see something which you consider to be a hazard’ report it. These reports should be confirmed in writing.
  4. There are several Acts of Parliament covering safety in schools including the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HAS), and the regulations under that Act in particular the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999; the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Act 2002 (COSHH); and the Children’s Act 2004; and all amendments to these Acts; as well as various Department for Education and Skills (DfES) regulations and Home Office regulations.
  5. Health and Safety law requires the employer to assess the risks to health and safety. This does not mean that a separate written risk assessment is required for every activity as long CAMSIS Education has undertaken a common sense and proportionate approach. Where a risk assessment is carried out however, a written record must be kept of the significant findings of the assessment.

Code of Practice

  1. A clean and orderly environment is essential for students and Staff of CAMSIS Education. Residential Staff have a particular responsibility for ensuring that student accommodation, Staff rooms and common rooms are neat and tidy in order that cleaning Staff may undertake their duties. It is not the duty of the cleaning Staff to tidy up the personal belongings of students or Staff.
  2. Periodic checks of the contents and layout of rooms should be made by On-site College Managers and any other residential staff. Defective equipment, fittings and furniture should be reported immediately to the Directors.
  3. Key guidelines
    1. Make sure that all fire exit doors are unlocked, and that all doors including fire doors are easy to open and free from obstruction.
    2. Ensure that free-standing furniture is not placed in such a position that it can be pushed over
    3. Avoid storing heavy equipment, materials etc. on top of tall cupboards and high shelves.
    4. Ensure that all floor areas are kept clear of obstructions other than furniture so that cleaning Staff are able to work safely and efficiently.
    5. As far as practicable, keep working surfaces clear so that cleaners can wipe down as necessary
    6. Report any insecure wall-mounted units.
    7. Make sure that light sockets are not left without a bulb, to avoid the possibility of electric shock
    8. Do not leave electric power cables, leads etc. trailing across the floor.
    9. Switch off and unplug electrical equipment after use.
    10. Edged or pointed tools (such as scissors, knives, and compasses) should be regularly checked for damage and stored safely.
    11. Aerosol containers should be kept in a safe, cool place to which they should be returned after use. They should never be left in direct sunlight.

Induction and Professional Development

  1. All Staff (whether temporary or permanent) will receive adequate training in health and safety to ensure that all Staff are competent to undertake their work safely and efficiently. For all new permanent staff, HR will ensure that they receive the adequate training, for seasonal staff the Managing Director will ensure they are adequately trained, and the Academic Director will ensure tutors are adequately trained in Health and Safety.

Emergency Evacuation and Fire Precautions

  1. If the fire alarm sounds the following guidelines will apply:
    1. Staff will be informed of the specific emergency assembly points for each site during the pre-course briefing. Students will be informed in the Programme Induction at the start of each course and shown where the assembly point is.
    2. All students and staff shall undertake a fire drill on the first day of the course.
    3. All students and all Staff will proceed at once to the assembly area, remaining calm and walking quickly.
    4. Close windows and doors as you go, but do not waste time doing so – getting out is more important.
    5. Evacuate the building as quickly as possible at the nearest possible exit, including fire exits.
    6. Do not stop to collect personal possessions.
    7. Do not go back into the building until you are told it is safe to do so.
    8. Outside normal hours, the front doors may be locked. Emergency keys are located at the College lodge.
    9. For sites where there is no porter’s lodge On-site College Manger will be informed of the location of emergency keys in the pre-course briefing.
  2. If the fire alarm sounds during the hours of 7.00am-5.00 pm, students should assemble according to their class groups where the s will call out the names of those students to ensure that everyone is present.
  3. If the fire alarm sounds between the hours of 5.00pm and 7.00am students should assemble in their relevant age groups. On-site College Managers will then call the names of those students to ensure that everyone is present.
  4. The On-site College Managers should then report any missing students to the Directors.
  5. In the event of a real fire, the persons calling the roll should then go through the lists again and satisfy themselves that every student is indeed present. The student list should be checked with the signing-out book.
  6. Adult employees should also be checked by the On-site College Managers. To aid this process, checklists are kept with the On-site College Managers.
  7. In the event of a fire call 999 as soon as possible. On College telephones dial 9 – wait for a tone, then dial 999.
  8. No-one may re-enter the building until given permission by the On-site College Managers in the event of a fire practice, or by the Emergency services (in the event of a fire).
  9. In accordance with the training statement above, all Staff (and students) will be trained to ensure they know what to do when they hear the fire alarm. If necessary, additional and repetitive training will be available.
  10. If you discover a fire, you should not attempt to tackle it unless you have been trained or feel competent to do so. Never put yourself or anyone else in danger. You should operate the nearest fire alarm and, if you have sufficient time, call the On-site College Managers and report the location of the fire.
  11. All Staff should familiarise themselves with the instructions about what to do in the event of fire which are displayed on notice boards throughout the College. You should also know where the fire extinguishers are and ensure that you are aware of your nearest fire exit and alternative ways of leaving the building in an emergency.

Other Specific Hazards

  1. There are many potential hazards, this list outlines examples of some, but not all, of these hazards.
    1. Students should not enter or use any of the College kitchens; this should be made clear at the introductory talk at the start of the course.
    2. Litter must not be allowed to accumulate in such a way as could lead to a fire hazard. Empty tins should not be discarded thoughtlessly, especially on the lawns and fields, where they will be mown and become dangerous.
    3. Broken windows should be reported immediately. Students should NOT be asked to pick up broken glass. If necessary, a temporary barrier could be erected using chairs.
    4. Electrical work should be undertaken by persons who are employed to do it. This normally means external electrical contractors. Faulty equipment, loose, worn or frayed wiring, damaged plugs etc. should be reported immediately. Do not attempt to fix it yourself.
    5. Students must be made aware of the dangers of traffic in the UK and should be clearly informed of the fact that traffic drives on the left in the UK as part of the induction.
    6. When overhead work is being carried out, an area should be roped off to prevent danger to passers-by. Students must not climb ladders, scaffolding towers etc. They must not go on the College roof.


  1. All Staff and students must use equipment in accordance with operating instructions, any instructions given by relevant teaching Staff and any relevant training. Any fault with, damage to, or concern about any equipment or its use must immediately be reported to the On-site College Managers. No person should attempt to repair equipment unless trained and designated to do so.

First Aid

  1. There are first-aid boxes held by the On-site College Managers and at the College Lodge. If you use items from these boxes, please inform the On-site College Managers so that they can be restocked immediately.

Reporting for Employees

  1. The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) applies to schools. The Directors will be responsible for reporting and investigating any incident under RIDDOR. Accidents which result in death or major injury must be reported immediately.
  2. Major injury includes but is not limited to:
    1. a fracture other than to fingers, thumbs and toes;
    2. amputation;
    3. dislocation of shoulder, hip, knee or spine;
    4. loss of sight (temporary or permanent);
    5. chemical or hot metal burn to the eye or any penetrating injury to the eye;
    6. injury resulting from an electric shock or electrical burn leading to unconsciousness;
    7. loss of consciousness caused by asphyxia or exposure to a harmful substance or biological agent;
    8. either of the following conditions which result from the absorption of any substance by inhalation, indigestion, or through the skin:
    9. an acute illness requiring medical treatment;
    10. loss of consciousness; or
    11. acute illness requiring medical treatment where there is reason to believe that this resulted from exposure to biological agents, its toxins or infected material.

Any injuries that lead to a worker or a student being incapacitated for over 2 consecutive days (including weekends) needs to be reported. The report must be made within 24 hours of the accident.

  1. Any reported cases of a work-related disease specified under RIDDOR, that affects an employee or a student and that a doctor confirms in writing.

Reporting for Students

  1. RIDDOR relevant injuries, illnesses and occurrences to students must be reported to the the Directors. Injuries to students and visitors who are involved in an accident at CAMSIS Education are only reportable under RIDDOR if:
    1. The accident results in the death of the person and arose out of, or in connection with, course activity; or
    2. The accident results in an injury that arose out of, or in connection with, a course activity and the person is taken from the scene of the accident to hospital.
    3. Any injury to a student whereby the student is taken from the scene of the accident to hospital will need to be reported under RIDDOR if it transpires to be serious.

National Health Alerts

  1. In the event of an epidemic or pandemic alert we will organise our operations and provide advice on steps to be taken by Staff, students and parents/guardians in accordance with official guidance and CAMSIS Education Covid-19 Protocols, to reduce the risk of infection at the College as far as possible. Any questions should be referred to the On-site College Managers.


  1. The College has a wide and comprehensive range of insurance. Staff wishing to know any particular details should contact the Directors.

Review of Policy

  1. Safety is an on-going concern. Additions to this policy can be made at any time in the future, for example if new course activities are added. Recommendations for any amendment to this policy should be reported to Directors. This policy will be continually reviewed to ensure that it is achieving its stated objectives.